Taurus Media (formerly Beta Technik) has upgraded both of its CEDAR-20 Systems to CEDAR for Windows

CEDAR for Windows NR-3 noise reduction software

23 June 2000

Taurus Media installed two CEDAR-20 Systems in 1994 and 1996, and they have been in constant use ever since. Peter Benzinger, Technical Director of the Sound Department at Taurus Media, decided to upgrade to CEDAR for Windows after a demonstration from CEDAR's German distributor, Uwe Seyfert.

Seyfert demonstrated the latest NR-3 Noise Reduction software (which offers a choice of three noise reduction algorithms and gives the user the ability to remove more noise with less danger of side-effects) and Buzz & Hum Removal packages. Benzinger said, "CEDAR's original HISS-2 package has been essential to our work, but I think it is wise to investigate any new developments. I was very impressed with NR-3 and have upgraded both our systems to CEDAR for Windows so that this could be installed. I was also very impressed with the Buzz & Hum Removal software, and I have also installed this on both systems. Both of our CEDAR for Windows systems now have Declick, Decrackle, NR-3, and Buzz & Hum Removal software. We can use the processes simultaneously in real-time which gives us the speed we need to complete the amount of work we have to do."

For further information:

CEDAR Audio Limited, 9 Clifton Court, Cambridge, CB1 7BN, United Kingdom.
t: +44 1223 414117
f: +44 1223 414118
e: info@cedar-audio.com
