Designed specifically for advanced audio surveillance and intelligence gathering, CEDAR Trinity 6 is the latest revision of our innovative and powerful surveillance system, used worldwide by law enforcement and security forces for real-time intelligence gathering, evidential recording and transcription. It features several new features. These include improved filtering and speech enhancement, significant efficiency improvements that make it possible to run remote recorders on even smaller covert devices, the ability to export to CEDAR Cambridge for in-depth forensic analysis and reporting, the ability to run scripts that can control external equipment, and Opus file compatibility.
Depending upon the variant installed, any given host running CEDAR Trinity can be used as a self-contained system or as part of a distributed system that allows multiple users to access numerous live streams and recordings. Each has its own combination of benefits, making it possible for you to specify and install the system that best matches your requirements.
Secure website: CEDAR Trinity 6
To find out more and to gain entry to the secure CEDAR Trinity 6 website, please write to giving your name, organisation, official email address and contact number.